
Coronavirus Outbreak May Increase in India in January, Next 40 Days are Important, Says Experts

Coronavirus India : The Union Health Ministry, while alerting the states and union territories, has said that corona cases may increase in India in mid-January. After analyzing the past trend of Corona, it is believed that the next 40 days may be important. According to media reports, a situation of another wave of corona may arise in the country during this period. Speaking to a news agency, an official has said that “it has been observed that a new wave of COVID-19 arrives in India about 30-35 days after it arrives in East Asia.”

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Coronavirus India : International Travelers Rapid Test

At the same time, since December 24, passengers of 498 international flights have test for corona. In which a total of 41 passengers have find to Covid positive. Samples of all these passengers have send for genome sequencing. The coming of foreign travelers who are COVID positive can a cause of concern for the government.

Death Expectation on Next Wave

Health Ministry sources have said that the severity of infection in Omicron’s sub-variant BF.7 is less. If the next wave of corona comes in India. Then the number of deaths and hospitalization will be very less.

Travelers : Claim of Experts

Most experts agree that the Omicron sub-variant BF.7 may not create havoc in India. Virologist Gagandeep Kang has said that Omicron’s sub-variant BF.7 corona is unlikely to increase in India due to hybrid immunity. The reasoning behind this is that a good hybrid immunity has form among the Indian people against the Omicron variant of Corona. Therefore, the sub-variant of Omicron will not have much effect on the Indian people.

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Professor Manindra Manindra Agarwal of IIT Kanpur says that the sub-variant of Omicron in India cannot cause danger. I don’t see any concern for India because of the BF.7 variant. Although one of these variants can cause a small wave, it is highly unlikely that a Covid-19 spike will occur.

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