
Second Hand Car : If You Are Buying Old Car Pay Attention to These Tips, See here

Second Hand Car : Used cars are also sold well in the country because the number of people who buy used cars here is also very high. If you are also planning to buy an old car, then you can buy it through both online or offline. But there are many things to keep in mind while buying a use car. Else you can easily fool. While buying a used car, it is very important to check its accident history along with other things. That’s why today we are going to tell you about some such tips, by adopting which you can know about the accident history of the vehicle.

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Second Hand Car : Check Service Record

The best way to know whether the vehicle has ever met with an accident or not is to check its service history. In this, you must check which parts of the vehicle have repair or change. In such a case, if there has an accident of the vehicle. Then its information must record in the service book.

Check Windshield

While buying a car, check its windshield carefully, because usually if a vehicle has had an accident, there can definitely be cracks or breakage marks on its windshield, due to which the accident of the car can know.

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Second Hand Car : Exterior Check Too

The accident can also detect by examining the exterior of the vehicle properly. Because some marks of the accident remain on the exterior of the vehicle as well. Also, check the front and rear bumpers of the vehicle thoroughly. See if any part has not try to show it right by painting the dating.

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