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Agniveer Recruitment : Understand The Preparation of Fitness Test for Joining Indian Armed Forces

Agniveer Recruitment : Physical test is mandatory to become Agniveer in the Indian Armed Forces. It serves to test the physical ability and endurance of the candidate. Physical fitness tests are the same in all three branches of the military, but the standards are different for women and men.

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To become Agniveer, physical fitness test is an essential part as well as a scoring step. That’s why it is necessary for such candidates to be physically strong. The body cannot be made fit in a few hours. There is a famous saying that ‘Practice makes a man perfect’. Therefore, start preparing for it 3-4 months before the Physical Fitness Test so that you can prepare your body for it. Know, what the candidate is asked to do in different parts of the fitness test, what it means and how to prepare for it…

Agniveer Recruitment : Zig-Zag Balance

Why necessary : Through this the balance of the body is seen. The strength of the candidate’s core muscles, lower back and legs is tested.

How to prepare : The candidate has to walk balancing on a wooden bar 18 feet long, 3 inches wide and 1.5 to 2 percent higher than the ground, that too without support. Hence, practice body balance in the same way.

Long-High Jump

Why Important : The 10 ft long jump and 3 ft high jump require strong leg jumps followed by leg balance.
How to prepare : Along with the strength of the legs, it is also necessary to warm up the body.

Agniveer Recruitment : Squat

Why important: This is to find out the strength of the lower body.
How to prepare: In the initial phase, practice as if you are sitting on a chair. Use a low height box for this.

1.6 KM running

Why Important: Running tests the aerobic fitness of the candidate and the endurance of the leg muscles. This race has to complet without any help and in minimum time.

How to prepare: Eat a healthy diet to increase stamina and leg strength for the race. Have a light dinner. Do not let there be shortage of water. Warm up by stretching before running. Start running with a short distance. Then gradually increase the distance to 3 kilometers. Do the practice of running at all three places, track, road and field. Keep your mouth closed while running and breathe only through your nose. Don’t run in groups.

Agniveer Recruitment : Pullups

Why important: It tests the strength of the muscles of the hands and back of the candidate. Also, it is known that how much the hands support the full body.

How to prepare: Candidates who do not practice it will not be able to do it. Practice it before the test. If this is difficult, then do half pullups. Keep in mind that while holding the rod during practice, take the body up and touch the chin to the rod, until the elbows are straight.

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Agniveer Recruitment : Bent knee sit-ups

Why important: It shows the strength of the abdominals and hamstrings. Most of the candidates fail in this due to the weight of the upper part being more than the waist. That’s why practice it alternately.

How to prepare: Lie on the ground on your back. Lock the hands with the fingers under the head. Now bend the knees to 90 degrees. the feet together. Keep in mind that in the initial stages, do it as much as you feel comfortable and try to touch the feet with the forehead. Keep the heels connected to the ground.

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